Meta-Analysis of National Metrology Institutes' Strategies and Their Relationship with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
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Strategies 2020-2030, Quality Infrastructure, National Metrology Institutes, Meta-Analysis, Sustainable Development Goals.

How to Cite

Meta-Analysis of National Metrology Institutes’ Strategies and Their Relationship with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. (2025). Digital Ciencia@UAQRO, 18(1), 67-80.


National Metrology Institutes (NMIs) are organizations specialized in physical measurements. Although many countries have limited their contributions to the industry, their impact extends further, contributing to the economic, social, and environmental spheres. This significance contrasts with the limited support and recognition they receive. Meanwhile, the world faces challenges that must be urgently addressed, challenges that have been conceptualized by the United Nations in its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), focusing on economic, social, and environmental domains.

In this context, the present qualitative research analyzes the direction that NMIs worldwide are taking, with a representative sample for the 2020-2030 period, and questions whether the strategies of these organizations are aligned with the needs outlined by the SDGs. A theoretical and intentional sample of strategic planning documents was selected, analyzed, and coded by strategy. Some of these documents showed perfect alignment with certain SDGs, while others were solely industry-oriented, possibly due to the framework of national public policies and the necessity to secure their own financial resources. Finally, it became evident that some SDGs, such as "Reduction of Inequality" and "Poverty Reduction," are not on the radar of the NMIs. However, some researchers suggest that by influencing "education," NMIs can have an indirect positive impact on the SDGs related to poverty reduction.

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