Instant Flours: The Future of Fast and Nutritious Food
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Instant flours

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Instant Flours: The Future of Fast and Nutritious Food. (2025). Digital Ciencia@UAQRO, 18(1), 55-66.


Historically, instant flours were the response to the need for raw materials to produce basic foods, such as bread and tortillas, among others. Their production has been refined to maintain and maximize the nutritional value of the original ingredients, such as cereals and legumes, among others. The main objective of this article is to explore the evolution of instant flours to meet a current goal: satisfying the demand for these basic ingredients for the preparation of nutritious and convenient foods suited to today’s lifestyle. The article will highlight their historical origin, various production processes, and current and future applications, which make them a popular and nutritious food option and establish them as a sustainable and accessible alternative in the food industry.

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