Overview of human mobility and climate change in the countries of Northern Central America. International, regional and state actions
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climate change
El Salvador
human mobility

How to Cite

Overview of human mobility and climate change in the countries of Northern Central America. International, regional and state actions. (2024). Albores, 3(4), 7-22. https://doi.org/10.61820/alb.v3i4.1238


Qualitative research focused on the collection, review, systematization and analysis of scientific research data, journalistic information, and publications of international organizations. It includes, an overview of the international, regional, and state actions, especially those ones that are undertaken in El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala, to address the implications of climate change for human mobility.  It is worth highlighting the emphasis that the article makes to the actions which are taken on the Central America Dry Corridor, due to its high vulnerability to climate change conditions.

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