Residuos de frutas y vegetales como materias primas para la producción de biocombustibles: potencial en el estado de Guanajuato
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residuos de fruta
residuos de verdura
manejo de residuos orgánicos

How to Cite

Residuos de frutas y vegetales como materias primas para la producción de biocombustibles: potencial en el estado de Guanajuato. (2022). Digital Ciencia@UAQRO, 15(1), 8-19.


Organic wastes’ handling is an issue for the cities, due to the great volumes daily generated. Among such wastes, those corresponding to fruits and vegetables can be mentioned; these are produced in great amounts in markets and supermarkets. Even when such wastes are no longer suitable for human consumption, they can be employed as carbon source to produce fuels and other derivatives. In this work, a general overview on the generation of organic wastes in Mexico, particularly fruit and vegetables wasted, is presented. A discussion is presented in terms of their availability, characteristics and the current normativity related to their handling. Moreover, their potential as raw material to produce biofuels will be discussed.

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