Expreriences and challenges of parents with deaf children: A focal study towards the design of a tool for language development
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early intervention
focus group

How to Cite

Expreriences and challenges of parents with deaf children: A focal study towards the design of a tool for language development. (2019). SketchIN, 3(5), 36-49. https://revistas.uaq.mx/index.php/sketchin/article/view/292


This article addresses the need for proper care and effective follow-up for children who show hearing loss during their early life, as they are exposed to delays or deprivation in language due to this lack. The fundamental purpose is to analyze the important aspects in the creation of a computer platform designed to provide tools that reinforce the process of stimulation of the deaf child, so that he can develop and appropiate language. Following the Human Centered Design (HCD) methodology, a focus group was with parents of deaf children in theprelinguistic age was conducted, in order to understand the problems faced and the context of the potential use that the intended support technology would have. Due to the analysis of the registered responses, we were able to identify the key variables that must be taken into account during the design of a tool for language development in deaf children.
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