This study emphasizes how the implementation of a learning strategy based on an education 4.0 approach can influence the assimilation of knowledge in students of the industrial design degree (ID). The research project was conducted at a higher education institution in Querétaro, Mexico.
A case study methodology was employed to compare a self-learning strategy based on audiovisual media with the traditional model, which is still used in most classes. The study compared the data from two experiment interventions, in which a design project was presented, thus following the theoretical-practical approach of the ID program. The groups segmentation was done through a process of randomization of the participants. The purpose of the experiment was to check the effectiveness of the traditional teaching method compared to one based on the implementation of audiovisual media, which presented the content of the project, through a series of videos and the Google classroom platform.
The results showed that the traditional method obtained a better score compared to the method that uses audiovisual media, however, from the feedback of teachers and students, it was concluded that the creation of a hybrid method may be the most efficient alternative to achieve better learning.
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