Guideline for the preparation of the methodological section of clinical, biomedical and epidemiological research protocols
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Guideline for the preparation of the methodological section of clinical, biomedical and epidemiological research protocols. (2025). Digital Ciencia@UAQRO, 18(1), 81-98.


Background. Research projects in health and nature sciences leads to the advancement of clinical care. The precision of the Methodological Section (Ms) in its protocol stage allows that, upon completion of the research, it’s results can be extrapolated. In view of this, the objective of the present manuscript consists of describing the stages for the elaboration of the MS in clinical, biomedical and epidemiological research protocols. Methodology. Considering the above, and through a bibliographic review, a narrative review of the topic was carried out. Results. According to what was found, the integration of the Ms can be carried out in six stages: starting with the determination of the hypothesis and research objectives, which serve as a basis for choosing the research design and calculating the sample size. Next, the study variables must be determined, and the way to avoid possible biases must be foreseen. Finally, the statistical analysis plan to be applied must be described, determining if descriptive, inferential or multivariate models will be necessary. Conclusion. A research protocol must be oriented within an interdisciplinary theoretical framework. By specifying the Ms’s biostatistics areas, it guarantees not only the correct execution of the project, but also its reproducibility and application in future studies.

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