The problem of assessing the didactic suitability of a massive study process
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Didactic suitability
Measurement of didactic suitability
University entrance
Reflection on coordination practice

How to Cite

The problem of assessing the didactic suitability of a massive study process: Possibilities and limitations of a quantitative approach. (2023). PädiUAQ, 6(12), 1-16.


The objectives of this work are: 1) to present a quantitative model of assessment of the didactic suitability of a massive study process of mathematical content in the period of admission to the university, as a resource for the person who coordinates said process to reflect on its own practice and make decisions aimed at improvement; 2) discuss the possibilities that the model offers and its limitations. The model was developed and tested within the framework of a mixed approach research with quantitative preponderance, and of a descriptive and exploratory natur, framed in the Onto-semiotic Approach of Mathematical Knowledge and Instruction. It is based on a device consisting of two questionnaires (for teachers, for students) that operationalize the didactic suitability construct and allow it to be measured on an interval scale. The main results of the research are: the identification of the facets with greater (respectively, lesser) suitability, and the detection of relative achievements and deficits in each facet from the teachers´ perspective; the exploration of the structure of the student's questionnaire through factor analysis, and the assessment of the suitability of the study process in terms of each factor from the perspective of the students; the identification of specific problems of the study process from the dialogue between both questionnaires. As for the limitations, they are those associated with the comparability of the answers of those who responded to the questionnaires, to their objectivity and to the global nature of the measurement.

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