Process for the realization of a Literature Review in Clinical Studies: A Narrative Review Article
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literature review
systematic review
clinical studies

How to Cite

Process for the realization of a Literature Review in Clinical Studies: A Narrative Review Article. (2022). Digital Ciencia@UAQRO, 15(1), 50-61.



Introduction: A Literature Review (LR) is defined as the methodological process to retrieve information from original studies, in order to identify the current state of knowledge about a particular topic. This process allows the construction of theoretical frameworks for clinical studies and the generation of review articles. Given this, the objective of this document was to describe the stages to carry out a BR process.

Methodology: A narrative review article was carried out, generating a bibliographic search that included manuscripts that described the processes of a BR in quantitative research. Articles describing the processes of a BR applied to meta-analyses or for qualitative reviews were excluded.

Results: The BR consists of five stages that begin with the generation of a review question, followed by the identification of information sources, the use of selection criteria, as well as search strategies. Subsequently, the information found is classified and grouped in systematization matrices.

Conclusion: An adequate and orderly LR will result in an organized systematic review, with sufficient foundations for the writing of structured arguments that are relevant for future medical and clinical studies.

Keywords (MeSH): review; literature review; systematic review; research; clinical studies

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