¿How does water scarcity affect your food production and what has been done to face it?
PDF (Spanish)


food production
drought resistance
deficit irrigation

How to Cite

¿How does water scarcity affect your food production and what has been done to face it?. (2022). Digital Ciencia@UAQRO, 15(1), 20-28. https://revistas.uaq.mx/index.php/ciencia/article/view/629


Water is the liquid of life; without this substance, our existence on earth would not be possible. In Mexico, about 70% of the water available for human consumption is used in agriculture for food production; however, around 60% is wasted due to irrigation infrastructure in poor condition, losses due to evaporation, and poor use of this resource. Due to the above, it is proposed to publicize the relationship between water scarcity and the production of primary foods and present the strategies that are being used to face the shortage of water in agriculture. Some approaches to water scarcity in agriculture are obtaining genetically modified plants, which, although not yet widely accepted by the general population, allows plants with resistance to drought, requiring less water for their production; better agricultural practices, such as the improvement of irrigation systems that will reduce water losses; and deficit irrigation, which allows significant water savings for food production, but for which there is no consensus on the adverse effects on productivity. These strategies approached together could improve efficiency in water use and avoid waste in the agricultural area.

PDF (Spanish)


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