Diverse research works from Mathematics Education have given evidence about how methodological strategies for the significative learning of mathematics can be grounded from the analysis of text books. This study is part of a broader project with based on the Socioepistemological Theory, that surveys about the didactical transformation of the significance on trigonometric notions in ancient books (from the 19th and early 20th centuries) and contemporary books (21st century) that are used on engineering educational programs. Given this, for delimitation in this article we aim to explain the task of the configuration of a method for the historical-didactical análisis of text books for the study of inverse trigonometric ratio and function. In the results we show the implementation of the method in four phases: book selection, task selection, individual analysis and transversal analysis. The fourth phase is omitted, due to the project being in phase three at the moment. We also give deep insight on the instrument for the individual analysis of text books and exemplify its use with two books. This instrument for the historical-didactical analysis of text books consists in three categorires: characterization of the text, characterization of the mathematics and teaching product; and can be used as a theorical-methodological tool in other research projects with the pertinente adjustments in line with the theory and mathematics of interest.
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