Looking at the socio-epistemology from the onto-semiotic approach in mathematics education
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Socio-epistemology; onto-semiotic approach; networking theories

How to Cite

Looking at the socio-epistemology from the onto-semiotic approach in mathematics education. (2023). PädiUAQ, 6(11), 1-18. https://revistas.uaq.mx/index.php/padi/article/view/702


The articulation of theoretical frameworks is a topic of growing interest in mathematics education, since, although the diversity of theories serves to enrich the foundations of research, at the same time it can constitute a hindrance to its consolidation as a scientific and technological field. This paper analyses the theoretical framework of socio-epistemology in mathematics education from the point of view of the onto-semiotic approach to mathematical knowledge and instruction. The comparison and possible articulation of both theories is approached through the analysis of two examples of research carried out within the socio-epistemology framework: dealing with contradiction in mathematics by university students when they are confronted with the existence of the logarithm of negative numbers and the study of cultural, historical, institutional, and cognitive aspects related to periodicity. As a result of the analysis, similarities, differences, and complementarities of these theoretical models are identified, as well as their relations with the theory of didactic situations and the anthropological theory of didactics. It is also shown in what sense the mathematical and didactic ontology proposed within the onto-semiotic approach can contribute to the progress and coherent articulation of these theories.

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