Crtitics to digital intersubjectivity on Mexican post-internet art
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social networks

How to Cite

Arias, O., & Bogarín Quintana, M. (2022). Crtitics to digital intersubjectivity on Mexican post-internet art. HArtes, 3(5), 4-24.


In this work we will see specific examples of Mexican contemporary art that reflect on strategies to respond critically to digital intersubjectivity and its consequences in the era of social networks. The article starts from the analysis of six artists participating in the XVII Biennial of the Image Center, which are approached from the proposal of the e-image by José Luis Brea, and the Antivisuality from the perspective of Miguel Ángel Hernández Navarro. In the end, the project The complex by artist Andrew Roberts is presented, which synthesizes the tension between real life and simulated life, while making a future visible yet to come.

The central approach of the article is that e-image caused a kind of epistemic and ontological crisis that modified human relationships. Subjectivity, based primarily on direct contact with other individuals, became an intersubjectivity fundamentally based on the exchange of ephemeral experiences, in the act of sharing simulated sensitive experiences. In contemporary art and in visual studies this situation has become a recurring theme, so it is considered necessary to analyze the specificity of solid projects that respond to the genealogy of critical theory.

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