Study of the chilean curriculum with respect to division as an isomorphism of measurement in the case of fifth grade elementary school
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Currículo chileno
Isomorfismo de medidas
Enfoque Ontosemiótico

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Study of the chilean curriculum with respect to division as an isomorphism of measurement in the case of fifth grade elementary school. (2023). PädiUAQ, 6(11), 1-12.



The current work to analyze the perspective around the division promoted by the Chilean curriculum and justify the importance of carrying out an analysis on the topics of this concept in basic education. Due to the relevance that this material acquires for teachers at the time of carrying out their classes. This time we will focus our work on 5th grade.

To carry out this analysis we have relied on two theoretical frameworks, on the one hand, we have the multiplicative structure problems (measurement isomorphism) proposed by Vergnaud (1997) and verify what are the intended and holistic meanings of references proposed in the Ontosemiotic Approach. On this occasion, we will give an account of the analysis presented by the Ontosemiotic Approach.


Keywords: Chilean Curriculum, Division, Measurement Isomorphism, Ontosemiotic Approach.

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