The high school Algebra in Mexico (15-18 years old students) is a basic mathematic curse, fundamental for de subsequent math courses. This means that every problem students have when they learn Algebra will be reflected in their academic development (Analytic Geometry, Trigonometry, Calculus, Probability and
Statistics). That is why we are interested to research about the learning problems in Algebra at the specific context of the Bachelors’ School of the Autonomous University of Querétaro (UAQ). This paper presents the first results of one project inside the institution oriented in this direction. In this project a sample of students was taken and a quiz has been applied to the students asking about semiotic aspects, use of Algebra as a tool to solve problems, and students’ justifications to support their answers. We observed the students’ need to give meaning to representations and to algebraic objects, in order to Algebra becomes a tool and no to be just a collection of algorithmic processes that must be memorized.

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