Evaluación y resultados del aprendizaje con enfoque en competencias profesionales de Cálculo Diferencial para ingenierías del TecNM
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Competency approach
Engineer training

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Evaluación y resultados del aprendizaje con enfoque en competencias profesionales de Cálculo Diferencial para ingenierías del TecNM. (2022). PädiUAQ, 5(10), e202205. https://revistas.uaq.mx/index.php/padi/article/view/300


The topic of competencies, due to its recent implementation, has generated changes in the conception of training, instruction, teaching, and evaluation of learning, which leads to new approaches in the design, development and evaluation of such information. The evaluation of a professional competence is evidenced by exploration, knowledge, understanding, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation of the project management or academic activity that the student´s works on, individually or collectively, in each subject. Consequently, working by competencies means that the student must understand learning as a multidirectional circuit where he/she they has to take the initiative and stimulate critical, ethical, creative and sensitive capacity in the management of his/her learning at all levels to favor his/her integral formation. That is why it is important to implement adequate instruments that allow a reliable evaluation of the competencies acquired by students. In this paper we present the results obtained by implementing an evaluation with a “competency-based approach” in several undergraduate groups in the subject of differential calculus. The results obtained at the end of the course reflect the way in which the evaluation by competencies achieves in the students a better appropriation of the acquired knowledge thanks to what the whole process entails, in addition to an increase in the approval rate.

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