Street Art as a Device for Social Change: The Case of Comuna 13 in Medellín
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Comuna 13; Street art; urban anthropology; walking ethnography

How to Cite

Riga, C. (2025). Street Art as a Device for Social Change: The Case of Comuna 13 in Medellín. HArtes, 6(11), 144-182.


Comuna 13 is one of the 16 districts of Medellín. Due to a complicated history of state neglect, violence, and military operations, it was considered one of the most dangerous sectors of the city. In recent years, it has undergone a significant transformation, becoming one of the safest and most tourist-friendly areas. This change is due to the vibrant street art scene that took place in the public spaces of the comuna. The aim of this research was to understand the impact of street art in the “transformation” of the Comuna and in the life experiences of the residents. The research was conducted using the method of walking ethnography. The method of walking with participants through an urban space is becoming increasingly common in research aimed at understanding the experiences and issues related to a particular place. The benefits of this method are rooted in the fact that sensory immersion in a place helps interviewees relive memories associated with that place. Through these memories, it is possible to explore not only the participants' personal experiences but also broader cultural, political, social, and economic elements. The walks revealed that participants consider street art as one of the main elements that have contributed to the "transformation" of Comuna 13, enhancing the appearance of public spaces and, at the same time, attracting visitors who have introduced new streams of capital into the local economy, improving the quality of life for the community. This research demonstrates once again that street art can be a powerful tool for social change in vulnerable communities.

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