The expressionism’s gesture of the Mono-Ha in Minimal Art
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Minimal Art

How to Cite

López Matus Villegas, L. A. (2023). The expressionism’s gesture of the Mono-Ha in Minimal Art. HArtes, 4(8), 39-49.


As a continuation of the essays: Vanguard Japanese Art, MUCA Campus, Mexico 1972; towards an analysis of post-war Mexico-Japan cultural relations: the exhibition as a political-cultural statement (2019) and Traces of Mono-ha in Mexico: A dialogue with the latest Japanese avant-garde (2022) seek to explain the introduction of the plastic and conceptual modernity of avant-garde Japanese thought, in an effort to visualize and formalize the possible influence of the art style called Mono-Ha in Mexico.

That is why in this essay seeks to expose the similarities and differences, both ideological and practical, that could exist within the expressionism’s gesture of the Mono-Ha in Minimal Art, as well as a kind of communion between abstract expressionism and Minimal in the piece MAINICHI Daily News April 12 1971 A and B by the Japanese artist Shimotani Chihiro which is part of the artistic heritage of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

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