The service quality of a SME in the metropolitan area of Rioverde and Ciudad Fernández, San Luis Potosí
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Importance-Performance Analysis
Service quality

How to Cite

The service quality of a SME in the metropolitan area of Rioverde and Ciudad Fernández, San Luis Potosí. (2020). Emprennova, 1(1), 77-91.


The objective of the study was to evaluate the service quality of a gas station in the metropolitan area of Rioverde and Ciudad
Fernández, it was quantitative, descriptive and transversal, the servqual instrument was used, of 22 items corresponding to five
dimensions, with wich performed the analysis of gap 5, where it was possible to identify that the dimension of reliability item 1 is
the one with the smallest gap. All gaps have quality deficits. It was determined that the company has 4 items in the “concentrate here” quadrant, the rest similarly distributed in the rest of the quadrants.

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