Sociolinguistics justice in education
Diseminaciones, Vol. 5, No. 10, julio-diciembre 2022
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rights, sociolinguistics justice, glotopolitics, language planning, distribution, recognition

How to Cite

Sociolinguistics justice in education. (2022). Diseminaciones, 5(10), 7-19.


This work aims at exploring the existing relationship between the right to education and sociolinguistics justice (Zavala, 2019) which can only be ensured by means of an education carried out through the mother tongue of the subjects which are incorporated into the formal educational system. We have made use of the bidimensional categories of redistribution and recognition introduced by Nancy Fraser (2008) in order to analyze the sociolinguistic justice conditions. Both means of social vindication must be attended through decisive actions to give place to glotopolitical changes capable of influencing language planning in speech communities of language minorities.

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