Generation Year Zero comprises those authors who published after the year 2000
and whose adolescence was during the so-called Special Period of economic crisis in
Cuba; thus, the formation of their personality and worldview. This makes a condition of the need to study them taking into consideration the context of such crisis.
For us to address this phenomenon, we have to talk about the concept of “new sense community” developed by Berger and Luckmann (1997). This one includes, at first, a new sense crisis in those individuals who have a system of values set by the society
and who cannot solve problems of experience and action merging, as for the first time, in specific situations; hence facing a conflict between what “it is” and what “it should be”. This study standpoint will help us find a unifying opinion of this Generation that goes beyond the stylistic, aesthetic and thematic consensus other researchers have proposed; as a critical path, it will also outline the ethical position, which would turn to be their distinguishing element
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