Critical interculturality in the training of educators to make cultural stratifications visible
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power asymmetries
stratification of diversities
symbolic violence

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Critical interculturality in the training of educators to make cultural stratifications visible. (2023). Diseminaciones, 6(12), 43-55.


The critical-social paradigm conceives the school as a privileged place for transformative and emancipatory education, but to achieve a teaching practice that truly transforms the reality of diverse subjects, groups and people, it is necessary to provoke the reflections of trainers, starting from the problematization that implies the stratification of diversities and the disadvantages of subjects from an intersectional perspective. The asymmetries between cultures and within cultures are sustained in historical processes and dominant hegemonic logics, so normalized that it is difficult to see how they are reproduced in everyday life, in different spheres. Here, critical interculturality is the means to provoke reflections other that contribute to deactivate the symbolic violence implicit in the interactions and intersubjectivities in basic education.

It is not only a matter of giving value to diversities, but also of emphasizing the power structures that maintain relations of subordination between cultures and territories. The article is divided into three sections: the first presents theoretical approaches to critical interculturality; the second refers to the stratification of diversities and the disadvantages of subjects from an intersectional perspective; and the third deals with approaches to inequality and symbolic violence with teachers, from the classroom and the student’s environment.

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