Numerical analysis of the static characteristics of porous gas bearings using the Darcy-Forchheimer model
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Gas bearing
Porous media
Aerostatic bearing
Load capacity
Stiffness coefficient

How to Cite

A. S. Durán Castillo and J. C. A. Jauregui Correa, “Numerical analysis of the static characteristics of porous gas bearings using the Darcy-Forchheimer model”, PCT, vol. 7, no. 13, pp. 118–136, Jul. 2024, doi: 10.61820/pct.v7i13.1486.


This work shows the numerical analysis of the static characteristics of a porous gas bearing by solving the modified Reynolds equation with the non-linear Darcy-Forchheimer model to describe the flow through the porous medium. The finite difference method with a difference in the center and the Newton-Raphson iterative algorithm was used for its solution due to the nonlinearity of the problem. The relationship of the steps between circumferential and axial dimensions and the initial assumption are the main conditions for the model to converge on a solution. The maximum number of nodes accepted by the algorithm was 36000. The results' precision was acceptable compared to published works; this contributes to another effort in developing porous gas bearing technology.

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