The microbiome of Spodoptera frugiperda plays a fundamental role during its biological cycle, since a great
diversity of microorganisms interact through different mechanisms to maintain homeostasis. Their functions
include, for example, defense against pathogens, degradation and the supply of functional molecules, among
others. However, factors such as changes in diet, the use of insecticides, antibiotics, environmental factors, age
or sex can interfere with the microbiome causing dysbiosis. Therefore, the objective of this work was to perform
a metagenomic analysis of healthy and dead larvae with symptoms of infection to detect potential pathogenic
agents. The results show that the genus Enterococcus presented an average relative abundance of 89.2% in
healthy larvae and an average of 94.75% in dead larvae. The presence of Pseudomonas was also detected, with
an average relative abundance of 10.8% in healthy larvae and 0.5% in dead larvae. While Acetobacter presented
an average relative abundance in dead larvae of 4.5%. Interestingly, readings corresponding to viruses were
0.004% in healthy larvae and 1.48% in dead larvae, which were related to pathogenic viruses of the baculovirus
family. The detection of potential pathogens that can affect S. frugiperda during rearing is of most importance
to avoid their dispersal or affecting the colony.
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