Mathematics Education and Reflective Thought
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Mathematics education
Reflective thinking
Educational research
Learning environment

How to Cite

Mathematics Education and Reflective Thought. (2024). PädiUAQ, 7(14), 1-24.


What are we? Teachers, professors, trainers, educators, masters, instructors? What is our scope of action? Mathematics education, mathematics didactics, mathematics teaching, educational mathematics, mathematics teaching? What role should pedagogy and didactics play in the educational process of students, understood as their insertion into society as citizens who contribute to their development? Can the study of mathematics at school contribute to this process? In this essay we will seek answers to these questions from the Deweyan perspective on reflective thinking and learning. The reflection ends with the approach of the bases of a didactic intervention model in which reflective thinking is encouraged in an environment of tolerance, respect, and cooperation; an environment in which five equally important dimensions are considered: curricular content; cognitive demand; equitable access to content; identity and belonging; and formative feedback. All to simplify didactics and tasks in the classroom.

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