Aesthetic Austerity: The Analogue Object as a Counterweight to the Growth of AI
Portada de la revista número 11
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Artificial Intelligence

How to Cite

Arámbula Meneses, J. C., & Maldonado Reyes, A. A. . (2025). Aesthetic Austerity: The Analogue Object as a Counterweight to the Growth of AI. HArtes, 6(11), 120-142.


The analogue object acts as a deliberate response to the overreaching advance of artificial intelligence, using simplicity and tangibility to counter technological saturation and reaffirm the importance of sensory and emotional experience. These elements highlight the value of material simplicity and the human, offering an alternative that seeks to balance the use of technology with an appreciation for functionality and the material world. The aim is to generate a critical reflection on the relationship of AI and technology today, and how aesthetic austerity and physical objects can mitigate their potentially alienating effects, to promote a conscious lifestyle in the face of the technological, emphasising the importance of simplicity and authenticity. The theory and practice of aesthetic austerity in film and design is analysed to understand how these practices respond to the advance of AI. As a result, it identifies emerging trends in the integration of aesthetic austerity in cultural production and how these trends respond to the growing presence of AI, concluding that aesthetic austerity and the use of analogue objects not only serve as an effective counterbalance to the advance of AI, but also offer an opportunity to analyse the impact and evolution of the technology, providing an avenue to explore the relationship between digital progress and disciplines such as design.

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