Artenomics and the Impact of Artificial Intelligences on Artistic Work
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Artenomía, inteligencia artificial, posthumanismo, ética, arte

How to Cite

Juarez Rodriguez, V. H. (2025). Artenomics and the Impact of Artificial Intelligences on Artistic Work. HArtes, 6(11), 91-107.


Technological innovations transform the creation and perception of art by modifying the way in which works of art are created and perceived, as well as any activity of the homo faber. These innovations impact creativity, evolution and inventiveness, and alter the very notion of the artistic production process. In particular, emerging technologies such as artificial intelligences, are transforming the creation and appreciation of art, raising implications for artists, artisans and society at large.  The intersection of technology, art and ethics in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) enables a critical stance on the reduction of human and artistic elements to mere objects or individual traits. The proposed concept of artnomics seeks to establish itself as the device to mediate between the uniqueness of art and the increasing reliance on AI, suggesting that, while AI can democratize artistic creation, it also poses risks such as the erosion of authenticity. The artnomics idea raise as a critical reflection on how to balance the opportunities and risks of AI in art thus promoting a holistic vision of art that prioritizes its social and cultural value over the economic one.


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