The post-apocalyptic absurdity in “Terraza con jardín infernal” by Francisco Tario
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literary analysis
literary history
drama theatre
science fiction

How to Cite

Juárez Becerril, O. (2024). The post-apocalyptic absurdity in “Terraza con jardín infernal” by Francisco Tario. HArtes, 5(10), 51-65.


One of the pressing issues of contemporaneity is the environmental debacle, inherent to any inhabitant of the planet. Literature is one of the expressions that has been concerned with warning about this problem. In particular, science fiction is in permanent dialogue with the possibilities offered by science; it wonders about the future by problematizing the present. One of the ways to manifest itself is through theater, an emotional and corporal genre, which fosters the freedom of human expression. In a present time that does not seem to grant great guarantees of a flattering future, they become, as a whole, a suitable artifact to inquire about the coming conditions and to face them. To develop these ideas, I will review the play "Terraza con jardín infernal" by Mexican writer Francisco Tario, based on approaches from ecocriticism and cyberpunk.

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