Awakening the danced memory: the Dance of the Devils at El Quizá, Guerrero
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Dance, Afromexico, Reactivation, Social memory.

How to Cite

Lora Krstulovic, R. C. (2024). Awakening the danced memory: the Dance of the Devils at El Quizá, Guerrero. HArtes, 5(9), 104-119.


In 2019, the children and young people of the town of El Quizá, Costa Chica, Mexico, decided to dance their Devil Dance again after six years of absence from the town. This anthropological work seeks to present reflections about the process of reactivation of dance memory, where different generations and external agents intervene that influenced the new configuration, transmission, and continuity of this expression. The work methodology has been through field work in the community between 2020 and 2022.


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