Changes in the representation of the feminine in contemporary art: performance by María Evelia Marmolejo
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contemporary art

How to Cite

Carus Puerta, S. (2023). Changes in the representation of the feminine in contemporary art: performance by María Evelia Marmolejo. HArtes, 4(8), 160-174.


This paper aims to analyze how contemporary art can be a space of representation of the feminine in relation to feminisms, and how this surfacess an opportunity to propose new and different ways of presenting ourselves in the world. It is proposed that using contemporary art as a vehicle to re-imagine the feminine enables more open perspectives and representations, which help to open dialogues about the symbolisims for women. This paper helps us to question the implications those symbolization have had traditionally, why they have emerged, how they have been perpetuated and, most importantly, how we can move away from them to make our own proposals for societal advances.


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