Configurations of worlds and possible imaginaries. : Art against the threat of our being on the planet
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Ecocritique, art, reconguration, mobilization, imaginaries

How to Cite

Galván García, A. T. (2023). Configurations of worlds and possible imaginaries. : Art against the threat of our being on the planet. HArtes, 4(8), 89-110.


The thesis of this article is based on the approach and critical reading of The Three Ecologies (1996) and Chaosmosis (1996) written by Félix Guattari and Staying with the Trouble (2019) by Donna Haraway. With these books, we can reflect on the existing areas of action in the contemporary artistic practices facing the environmental crisis, with an approach on those that go beyond the institutional frameworks and to the contrary, collaborate with different creative and interpretive approaches, including more roles within the creative process, like the readers. These reflections have the purpose of rethinking and resizing the arts and productions to cohabit the presents and possible futures using art as an ally of reorientation and mobilization.

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