Filosofía del lenguaje en Ni falta que hace Dios de Dante Medina: Medina, D. (2021). Ni falta que hace Dios. Colima: Puertabierta Editores. ISBN: 978-607-8783-60-1, 337 pp.
PDF (Spanish)


lingüística moderna
análisis del discurso

How to Cite

Filosofía del lenguaje en Ni falta que hace Dios de Dante Medina: Medina, D. (2021). Ni falta que hace Dios. Colima: Puertabierta Editores. ISBN: 978-607-8783-60-1, 337 pp. (2023). Diseminaciones, 6(12), 129-135.


The purpose of this review is to make known the essence of a particular language, its elementary characteristics, the behavior that takes the meaning, the thought, the interpretation, and its confinement in the work Ni falta que hace Dios, containing a semantics transforming in the XXI century that achieves the consideration of science. In this review we show a type of abstract and reflective language, very closely linked to the world and the signs of truthfulness. In this work, the author Dante Medina truthfully establishes the wisdom that words empower society. The characters are given names by combination: Rzt, Ñrp… Oui and Eau. An alloy of science-science with language. There is an intervention of the characters with the reader, keeping a similarity between the dialogue between Hermogenes and Cratylus, in Plato's Cratylus. A novel that speculates on a true discourse analysis.

PDF (Spanish)


Medina, D. (2021). Ni falta que hace Dios. Colima: Puertabierta Editores. ISBN:

-607-8783-60-1, 337 pp.

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