Plata Quemada. The genre or the narrative machine
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contemporary argentine literature
Ricardo Piglia

How to Cite

Plata Quemada. The genre or the narrative machine. (2018). Diseminaciones, 1(2), 103-112.


The following paper explores the deflected manner in which Ricardo Piglia transforms the genres of the nonfiction, the hardboiled and the greek tragedy in Plata Quemada (1997). It also points out different interpretations that emerge from the theoretical reflection that segregates the narrative by inscribing and distancing itself at the same time from these referential frameworks. Parting from the analysis on the point of view of the generic structures, based on theoretical concepts of Tzvetan Todorov, Gerald Genette, Michal Glowinski, Yuri Lotman, a reading outside the genre is developed that responds to an attempt to clarify some codes and constants in the narrative poetics of the Argentine writer.

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