Non-linear relationships and resistance strategies of peasant knowledge in San Sebastian Tlacotepec, Puebla
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San Sebastián Tlacotepec

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Non-linear relationships and resistance strategies of peasant knowledge in San Sebastian Tlacotepec, Puebla. (2023). Diseminaciones, 6(12), 27-41.


The following article, based on ethnographic information collected in the field, from 2013 to 2023, in the municipality of San Sebastián Tlacotepec, presents an approach to the non-linear relationships involved in the configuration of peasant knowledge from a dialogue of knowledge. It analyzes how from the bonds of reciprocity and familiarity with human and non-human beings, strategies of resistance to capital, patriarchal and colonial modernity are built. The knowledge that is constructed in this context is not detached from the people who produce it, nor from their natural environment. The testimonies and experiences of the Nahuas of the Sierra Negra de Puebla allow us to problematize this category, not from a productivist posture that seeks to equate it to scientific knowledge to validate it, but from its affective and cosmogonic dimension in constant dialogue with the territory and memory.

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