El (des)pliegue caribeño del barroco en Bolívar Echeverría
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baroque Latin American
cultural miscegenation

How to Cite

El (des)pliegue caribeño del barroco en Bolívar Echeverría. (2018). Diseminaciones, 1(1), 7-24. https://revistas.uaq.mx/index.php/diseminaciones/article/view/121


This paper deals with the conception of the crease in Bolivar Echeverría as an essential
feature to understand the Caribbean baroque. Because of the interest in the Baroque,
the link between Echeverria and various American theorists (such as Severo Sarduy,
José Lezama Lima, Édouard Glissant, among others) is considered. It also takes into
account a crossroads of traditions where different ways of conceiving the Caribbean come
together. In this sense, we propose the ideas of codigofagia and mestizaje culture presented
by Echeverría. Processes that cover the deploys of the Caribbean identity. Baroque, then,
will have to be linked to a cultural history that requires translating its internal configuration. It concludes by noting the baroque as a disruptor of Caribbean modernity.

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