Hope and barbarism. Eschatological imaginaries in Rafael Pinedo's 'Plop'
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dystopian literature
literary analysis
Latin-American literature
contemporary narratives

How to Cite

Hope and barbarism. Eschatological imaginaries in Rafael Pinedo’s ’Plop’. (2023). Diseminaciones, 6(11), 7-26. https://revistas.uaq.mx/index.php/diseminaciones/article/view/1086


In this article I analyze the scatological imaginary of the novel Plop by Rafael Pinedo, published in 2002. I do so from three moments: the description of the post-apocalyptic space, the description of the main character, Plop, and the description of the secondary characters, Urso and Tini. The perspective of the eschatological imaginary contributes to look not only at the darkness of dystopian world, but also to notice traces of other possible futures that nestle among the ruins of barbarism. These signs are rebellious acts that consolidate hope as an aggression in the fictional world of the novel, which constitutes a radical and new perspective that breaks the inertia of fatalistic readings of literary dystopias.

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