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Author Guidelines

General Guidelines

All contributions, except for photographic works, must be unpublished and submitted in Word format (not PDF). Please use Times New Roman font size 12, with 1.5 line spacing, and cite references in APA 7th Edition format.

Please submit the following as separate files:

  1. Author(s) information
  2. The text for evaluation (excluding author information)
  3. Any graphical material to be included (maps, graphs, tables, illustrations, photographs, diagrams)

Avoid endnotes; these should be placed as footnotes.

Articles, essays, reviews, and the descriptive text corresponding to photographic works should be written in the third person.

Author(s) Information

Please provide the following details for each author (up to a maximum of four), starting with the primary author:

  • Affiliated institution
  • Email address

Graphical Material in Text

Include graphical materials (tables and/or figures) within the text. Additionally, send them as separate files (not in Word), preferably in .jpeg or .png format, with a resolution of 300 dpi.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All contributions, except for photographic work, must meet the following requirements:

  • The text has not been previously published nor is under review by another journal.
  • Acceptance that the contribution will be evaluated using plagiarism detection software.
  • The file is in Word format.
  • The text is formatted with 1.5 line spacing and Times New Roman font size 12.
  • The document meets the specified length requirement.
  • It includes a maximum 200-word abstract in both Spanish and English.
  • It includes 3 to 5 keywords.
  • Citations and the reference section adhere to APA 7th edition format.
  • Figures and tables comply with APA 7th edition format.


The articles are initially reviewed by the journal's editorial committee to verify that they meet the requested requirements and are also checked with anti-plagiarism software. Subsequently, the articles are peer-reviewed by specialists in the field. The relevance of the proposal, originality, clarity of writing, adequacy of the argumentation, contribution to the discipline in question, foundation of the hypotheses or research assumptions, as well as the pertinence of the cited bibliography, will be analyzed.

The document must have the following characteristics:

  • A minimum length of 5,000 words and a maximum of 7,000 words, including the bibliography section, footnotes, abstracts, and keywords.

  • Include the title in English below the title in Spanish.

  • If the article is written in English, include the title in Spanish below the original title.

The abstract must have a maximum length of 200 words in both Spanish and English, respectively. It should present:

  • Objective
  • Methodology
  • Results
  • Limitations
  • Value of the work
  • Conclusions

Include 3 to 5 keywords in both English and Spanish, respectively.


Essays are initially reviewed by the journal's editorial committee to verify that they meet the requested requirements and are also checked with anti-plagiarism software. Subsequently, they are peer-reviewed by specialists in the field. Essays that address topics pertinent to the Social Sciences and adhere to the general structure of essays—introduction, development, and conclusion—will be accepted. The ability to analyze and discuss, as well as the correct handling and understanding of theories and concepts, will be evaluated.

The document must have the following characteristics:

  • A minimum length of 5,000 words and a maximum of 7,000 words, including the bibliography section, footnotes, abstracts, and keywords.

  • Include the title in English below the title in Spanish.

  • If the essay is written in English, include the title in Spanish below the original title.

  • The abstract must have a maximum length of 200 words in both Spanish and English, respectively.

  • Include 3 to 5 keywords in both English and Spanish, respectively.

Photo series

The editorial team of Albores will internally review individual photographs or photographic series of no more than 5 elements that document any of the following themes:

  • Social movements
  • Human rights
  • Violence
  • Culture, gender, and identity
  • Urban spaces

Images should be sent via email as individual files in JPG format, RGB, with a resolution of 300 dpi and without watermarks.

The author of the photograph(s) must include, in a Word file (not PDF), using Times New Roman font, 12-point size, with 1.5 line spacing, a brief description between 350 and 600 words, either in English or Spanish, clearly indicating the documented theme.

Mention the year the photographs were taken and if the work has participated in or been awarded at conferences or competitions. If so, indicate the name of the conference or competition and the city where the event took place.

In a separate file, send a sheet with the following information:

  • Author’s name
  • Title of the work
  • Institution of affiliation
  • If a graduate, indicate the year of graduation. If a student, indicate the program of enrollment and the semester being pursued at the time of submission.
  • If the photographs or illustrations are part of a series, include the name of the series.

Book review

Book reviews in both English and Spanish, must be related to the Social Sciences. The reviewed work must be no more than five years old and relevant within the current context of Social Sciences. The editorial team at Albores will conduct an internal evaluation and will utilize plagiarism detection software.

Reviews should range between 1,500 and 2,000 words, including the bibliography. In this section, authors are expected to provide a critical analysis of the text, emphasizing the contributions or shortcomings of the work in question.

Privacy Statement


The names and email addresses provided in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated herein and will not be shared with third parties or used for any other purposes.

Editorial Ethics

The editor's decision to accept or reject a submission is based on its relevance, quality, clarity, and thematic pertinence, supported by evaluations and comments from reviewers and plagiarism detection software. With a policy of double-blind peer review, Albores ensures the confidentiality of authors' and reviewers' identities.

Albores is committed to transparency and providing authors with information regarding the editorial process stages and the status of their manuscript. Manuscripts are evaluated without distinction of ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, institutional affiliation, nationality, or any other personal characteristic of the submitter.

Author Ethics

All submissions must be original creations, not previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere, in print or electronic form. Submission will also be considered previously published if extensive excerpts from previously published materials are included in the submission to Albores or if the work in question is part of published proceedings.

Authors agree not to simultaneously submit their manuscript to another journal for evaluation. Furthermore, they ensure their work contains no illegal material, and any material borrowed from other scientific documents (whether their own or others') is properly cited, does not violate copyright, and does not constitute more than 30% of the article's content.

As a mandatory part of the process, authors will sign a letter of originality at the beginning and a declaration of conflicts of interest and copyright at the end of the process, both of which will be sent via email. Plagiarism in any form is considered unethical and will result in the manuscript's rejection and exclusion from the publication process.

Reviewer Ethics

Manuscripts submitted for review are confidential documents and should not be shown or discussed with others without Albores' authorization. If a reviewer cannot evaluate a manuscript, they must delete all copies of the document (printed and/or digital).

Reviewers should promptly notify the journal if they are able to review a manuscript or if they cannot. They must report any unethical conduct or anomalies detected during their review and substantiate any rejection decision objectively, avoiding personal criticism. It is crucial for reviewers to express their opinions clearly and with valid arguments.

It is imperative that any unpublished material disclosed in a reviewed manuscript not be used for personal gain without the written consent of the author. Privileged information obtained through the peer review process must remain confidential and not be used for personal purposes. Reviewers should refrain from evaluating manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest.