For the conformation of scientific journals, a process is carried out that ensures the publication of the content and that, in turn, fulfills certain purposes. This text focuses on the study of these editorial processes and their particular purposes, and on taking up and promoting the preservation of their communicative side, which is sometimes left out. Therefore, a corpus constituted by the chapter entitled " Las actividades en los procesos editoriales de las revistas científicas " that examines theoretically various editorial processes, the workflow of the Open Journal System, which is open access software. and contributes to the digital edition and the Publications Office of the Faculty of Engineering of the Autonomous University of Querétaro (UAQ) that has been implemented, to analyze the steps and activities that compose them, as well as the communicative purposes of each one from them. Consequently, with this work, it is intended to build a proposal for integration of visibility in the editorial processes, whose purpose is to ensure that the information that is stored in the journals, in the repositories or sites where they are protected, is communicated through the concepts that currently exist are known about visibility.
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