Classical soil mechanics is developed with the study of saturated soils. With it, constitutive models are established that can explain the mechanical and volumetric behavior of these two-phase systems based on Terzaghi's effective stress principle. However, in a large part of the earth's surface there are soils in an unsaturated state that present unusual behaviors. The shear strenght parameters that define the failure envelope of unsaturated soils are: effective cohesion (c´), effective friction angle (φ´) and change in shear resistance generated by change in matric suction. (φb). These parameters are important for slope stability analysis and foundation design. This article presents a series of Consolidated-Drained triaxial tests at different degrees of saturation, which were carried out in a wetting trajectory in a soil with dispersive characteristics in the city of Rioverde, S.L.P., México. The water-soil retention curve is determined for both drying and wetting trajectories with the filter paper technique. The results are presented in diagrams of effective stress vs. deviator stress (p´- q´), deviator stress vs. suction (q´-S), degree of saturation vs. effective friction angle (Sw – φ´) and degree of saturation vs. effective cohesion (Sw – c´). It is observed that the soil under study reaches a maximum resistance for a suction of 2000 kpa and is reduced by 60% for higher suction values.
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