Optimal configuration of the sustainable biodiesel production network from BSFL
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Supply chain
mathematical optimization
circular economy
organic wastes

How to Cite

D. M. Aguilar-Murguía, C. Gutiérrez-Antonio, O. D. . Lara-Montaño, and S. I. Martínez Guido, “Optimal configuration of the sustainable biodiesel production network from BSFL”, PCT, vol. 7, no. 13, pp. 73–88, Jul. 2024, doi: 10.61820/pct.v7i13.1479.


Over the past decade, de-carbonization alternatives have been proposed in the transport sector, including using electric vehicles and biofuels in internal combustion engines. Biodiesel has proved to be one of the alternative biofuels of great interest since it can be used in mixtures with its fossil counterpart. However, all installed production plants use animal and vegetable oils as raw materials; these inputs impact the total production cost, up to 1.5 times the cost of conventional diesel. Faced with this, the use of black soldier fly larval oil has been proposed, given its high-fat content. In addition, these insects can feed on diverse types of organic waste; these residues are transformed into biomass with a high content of lipids (35-40%). In this context, this paper proposes the design and configuration of a supply chain capable of responding to the demand for fuel at the national level. For this purpose, a mathematical optimization model was formulated that considers aspects of production nodes' supply, transport, distribution, storage, and location. Performance maximization and emission minimization are established as target functions.

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