The effect of migration on the Self-efficacy of Latin American students, PISA evidence2018.
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PISA 2018
Latinamerican students

How to Cite

C. Anguiano-Almejo and E. L. Huerta Manzanilla, “The effect of migration on the Self-efficacy of Latin American students, PISA evidence2018”., PCT, vol. 7, no. 13, pp. 62–72, Jul. 2024, doi: 10.61820/pct.v7i13.1476.


This work aims to find the relationship between the migrant situation and the self-efficacy of 15-year-old Latin American students who participated in the PISA 2018 test. Self-efficacy is the thought of having the ability to perform an activity. Likewise, self-efficacy is a factor involved in the learning process, reflected in academic achievement and emotional development about oneself. In this work, the PISA 2018 database was used, through statistical analysis to reveal the effect of the migratory situation of Latin American students on their level of self-efficacy.

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