The basis of vehicle autonomy: ADAS systems
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ADAS systems
vehicle autonomy
artificial intelligence

How to Cite

J. E. Barnica Muñoz, J. A. Álvarez Castillo, and A. Gastélum-Barrios, “The basis of vehicle autonomy: ADAS systems”, PCT, vol. 7, no. 13, pp. 166–184, Jul. 2024, doi: 10.61820/pct.v7i13.1361.


ADAS systems comprise a branch of innovation and development within the automotive industry that has allowed vehicle evolution in technological aspects that were not available before. The need to ensure the integrity of people while driving has generated automotive modernization aimed at autonomous vehicles. Generating intelligent systems based on sensors, cameras and radars allows the processing of information in real time for decision making. By implementing multiple technologies that help the driver have a better and safer driving experience, ADAS has begun to be mandatory for the manufacture of new vehicles. The future points to a massive revolution where large investments are expected in the industry from which important advances will be obtained that will be reflected in the cutting-edge technology implemented in the new models of the main commercial brands. This article focuses on highlighting the regulatory, instrumentation and opportunity trends for the development of ADAS systems for automobiles. 

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