Humanity is currently facing challenges such as climate change, water scarcity, inequality, and hunger. In 2015, The United Nations established the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with the purpose of protecting the planet and guaranteeing humanity’s well-being. Among these objectives is Goal 7: affordable and non-polluting energy. One way to achieve this objective is by substituting fossil diesel for biodiesel, which can be produced from various raw materials. Waste biomass is an attractive feedstock for biodiesel production due to its abundance and availability, constant generation, and low price. In recent years, the environmental impact of biofuels production has been studied through life cycle assessments (LCA), a methodological analysis that allows for objectively estimating and assessing the potential environmental impacts of a service or product across its life stages. Thus, the purpose of this work is to conduct a review of the previous studies on LCAs in biodiesel production from biological waste. The benefit resulting from obtaining biodiesel from a residual raw material encompasses both environmental and economic points of view.
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