Satisfying the rising global energy demand is an important and complex challenge that both current and future generations must face. During the last century and a half, the exploitation and use of fossil fuels have allowed the development of human activities. These non-renewable fuels have serious drawbacks, including their environmental impact and their imminent exhaustion. Different renewable energies, including biofuels, are obtained from biomass processing. This work focuses on fuel pellets, which are compacted biomass in the form of small cylinders that generate usable energy when combusted. In the present study, agave bagasse, the main residue in the tequila and mezcal industries, was used as raw material to produce fuel pellets. The agave bagasse was collected and characterized in terms of its moisture, ash, carbon, volatile compounds, and calorific value. Afterward, the bagasse was subjected to a pelletization process with two different particle sizes, thus obtaining fuel pellets. The pellets were characterized based on the previously mentioned physicochemical parameters, which were contrasted with those indicated at the ISO 17225 standard. The results showed that despite the deficit in calorific power and ash, the pellets produced have promising properties. It was determined that the pellets do not comply with the regulations, but the process parameters that must be modified to meet the regulations were identified.
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