The black soldier fly has become an organism of commercial interest due to its ability to transform organic waste into other compounds that can be integrated into other production chains in accordance with new circular economy trends. Currently, this organism is produced under natural light conditions, in indoor or greenhouse rearing. However, the variation in the length of the day throughout the year, or the low availability of natural light, causes low yields in egg production, resulting in a decrease in mating and fertility, making it necessary to use complementary artificial light sources. The application of different lighting systems in indoor production systems has shown that the modification of light characteristics, such as intensity, photoperiod, and electromagnetic spectrum, have effects on the life span of adult flies, oviposition time, number of postures, fertility, fecundity, among others. The application of artificial light sources in indoor production systems in isolation and complementary with natural light could result in an increase in soldier fly larvae production, mainly derived from an increase in egg production. Therefore, this review article aims to compile information on articles that conducted studies on the application of lighting systems in the production of black soldier fly and to establish the basis for the selection of an appropriate light source for the cultivation of this organism.
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U. Julita, L.L. Fitri, R. E. Putra and A. D. Permana, “Research article ovitrap preference in the black soldier fly, Hermetia illucens (L.) (Diptera: Stratiomyidae),” J. Biol. Sci., vol. 24, pp. 562-570, 2021.

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