Algebraic thinking through pattern generalization
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Pattern generalization
Didactic sequence
Task design
Geometric patterns
Algebraic thinking

How to Cite

Algebraic thinking through pattern generalization: A case study with high school students. (2024). PädiUAQ, 7(13), 1-20.


The present study aims to expose the characteristics of high school students' algebraic thinking when solving a task on generalization of linear patterns. The notions of pattern generalization strategies and the levels of cognitive demand for this type of tasks are used, as theoretical framework. These notions were used for task proposal and data analysis. A qualitative methodology based on case studies and developed with two high school students, is used. Results show, that the students mainly used the recursive. In the case of student A, the difficulty in the declaration and denotation of the variables and the algebraic treatment is identified. As for student B, there are fewer difficulties to algebraically solve the task. The information generated is expected to be useful for future research and for active teachers who decide to implement this type of task in the classroom.

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