Questionnaire on the mathematical knowledge for teaching of mathematics teacher: A proposal for teaching of function
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Teacher’s knowledge
High school

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Questionnaire on the mathematical knowledge for teaching of mathematics teacher: A proposal for teaching of function. (2024). PädiUAQ, 7(13), 1-21.


The present study is about a questionnaire to assess mathematical knowledge for teaching of mathematics teachers about the concept of polynomial function. A qualitative methodology based on design is used, based on three elements: the mathematical knowledge for teaching, the semiotic representation registers and function meanings. This study is situated in the context of high school mathematics teachers because, according to research, there isn’t a homogeneous professional training, as well as insufficient specific knowledge for the teaching profession at this educational level. In this way, the design of a questionnaire is presented, which is composed of six task that unify teaching knowledge, representation registers and function meanings. Finally, this type of proposal becomes a tool that characterizes the necessary knowledge for the function concept teaching. In addition, this proposal serves as a reference to strengthen teacher training activities to improve their educational practices.

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