Clothing and Gender in the visual and literary representations of Catalina de Erauso, la Monja Alférez (17th and 19th centuries)
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gender studies
costume history
Monja Alfe´réz


From the perspective of the Clothing History, this paper analizes comparatively, iconographically and discursively some of the visual and literary representations of Catalina de Erauso, la Monja Alférez, which were constructed in four works that narrate her life: her portrait attributed to Juan van der Hamen made around 1625-1628, the play written by Pérez de Montalbán in 1626, his alleged autobiography published by Joaquín María Ferrer in 1829 and the theatrical script signed by Carlos Coello in 1875. The research seeks to highlight the different ways in which the character’s appearance, behavior, and activities were interpreted and transformed in each period to point out certain social expectations and gender patterns and roles.

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