The main objective of this article is to present the most important points of the analysis and compilation that I carried out through different sources during three stages: beginning, consolidation and decline of the Soviet Union, especially highlighting the different factors that during the mandates of Mijaíl Sergueivich Gorbachev and his North American counterpart
Ronald Wilson Reagan influenced the fall of the Union of Soviet SocialistRepublics (USSR) making an approach from their socioeconomic environment , in the period from 1985 to 1990, which will inevitably define the
end of the Cold War. It constitutes an attempt to understand in greater depth, such a particular period of the Cold War since its inception with the formation of the "new world order", where at the end of the Second World
War (1945), there would be socio-economic, demographic and ideological changes. Likewise, the second half of the eighties would define the imminent disappearance of the Soviet Union. With this event there would be an inevitable collapse, a social and international tension that would give rise to a new change in the world; giving hegemony to the United States until
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