A study on Early Childhood Education in Buenos Aires City: Between feminization and labor precariousness. Working hours, working conditions, and "leisure time?"
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Teacher feminization
Leisure time

How to Cite

A study on Early Childhood Education in Buenos Aires City: Between feminization and labor precariousness. Working hours, working conditions, and "leisure time?" . (2024). Revista Ecúmene De Ciencias Sociales , 1(9), 223-241. https://revistas.uaq.mx/index.php/ecumene/article/view/1719


Early childhood education work has historically been carried out by women and is 
considered part of precarious labor conditions. Using a qualitative methodology of 
case study, this research analyzes the perceptions of workers in preschools under 
the Government of the City of Buenos Aires (GCBA) to understand why early child
hood education work remains precarious. Various dimensions of analysis are em
ployed, incorporating bibliographic material and the voices of the workers them
selves. One dimension examines the workday, encompassing the actual working 
hours and any additional "extra" hours. Another dimension delves into leisure time, 
if it exists. Additionally, the study investigates the working conditions to assess the daily tasks performed. Understanding these analytical categories helps to charac
terize this work as caregiving and educational, predominantly carried out by wom

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